Personalised Training Plans

Keen Az Training plans are designed using specific exercises and proven training guidelines to reach individual goals in the fastest time possible.

Plans arebased around your schedule, lifestyle, goals and current abilities. A pre-screeningquestionnaire will assess your current training structure and identify any special considerations or weaknesses/imbalances you may have.

Keen Az plans are built around progression and periodisation, so theycan cater for beginners through to advanced bodybuilders, powerlifters, and athletes.

Training plans should be followed for a minimum of 4 weeks up to 12 weeks.


  • Pre-screening questionnaire to help design your plan
  • Weekly Program Breakdown
  • Specific exercise selection to build on any weaknesses/ imbalances
  • 8-12 Week Periodisation Breakdown
  • % Based on your 1RM (in Strength Training Plans)
  • Targeted strength, conditioning, mobility and core


Personalised Training Plans are $150.00

Please email or submit an enquiry below to get started today.